Polymer Additives

PT Sumber Indokemjaya

Polymer Additives

Polymer Additives

Metallic Stearate

Metallic stearate are derivative of stearic acid, which is produced by employing the direct fusion reaction manufacturing process that gives the product a high degree of purity. The reaction involves heating the stearic acid above its melting point together with metal oxides or hydroxides. Metallic stearate functions as acid scavengers, lubricant, mould release agent, extender, and water repellant.

PVC  Stabilizer

The use of PVC polymers has grown significantly and touches our daily lives. Those PVC products can be found in application across numerous major industries such as construction (pipe, cable, profile, host, fitting and edging), medical products, packaging, telecomunication, furnishing, and transportation. These PVC stabilizers give PVC the sufficient heat during processing and provide the finished article with the required durability.


As the term implies, the function of lubricant in PVC composition is to reduce adhesion in the manufacturing process between equipment by easing the molecule flow. Lubrication can be very critical if maximum outputs and best possible quality are to achieved.

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